The Power of Three
Totems Solution. The power of three. The Community, The Council, The Company.

The Community votes to elect the Council of Elders as representatives of the interests of the community. The Council will have authorities over the decision making and direction of The Company. The Company will execute and operate on behalf of The Community and will ultimately be responsible for the core brand for the outside world.
The solution to solving the issues of governance today is not to pick between decentralization and centralization, but instead to leverage the benefits of both. The world moves quickly, that’s why Totems chose Solana, but it also means traditional voting models are too slow, and the more decentralized the slower it typically is. Centralization is faster, but is also susceptible to corruption. So for Totems, the balance will be maintained by a decentralized community, a neutral third party, and a centralized agency.

Issues with Decentralized Governance Today
- Complexity: Decentralized governance can be complex and difficult to understand for non-technical users, making it hard for them to participate in decision-making processes.
- Lack of Accountability: With decentralized governance, there is no central authority or organization to hold accountable for decisions or actions. This can make it difficult to resolve conflicts or address issues that arise.
- Lack of Transparency: Without a central authority, it can be difficult to know who is making decisions and how those decisions are being made. This can lead to a lack of trust and transparency in the decision-making process.
- Low Participation: Decentralized governance requires a high level of participation from users in order to be effective. However, low participation can lead to a small group of users having a disproportionate amount of influence in decision-making.
- Lack of Incentives: With decentralized governance, there may be little incentive for users to participate in decision-making processes, as there is often no direct benefit to doing so.
- Lack of Decision-making Efficiency: Decentralized governance systems can be slow to make decisions, as they require a consensus among all participants. This can lead to delays in important decisions being made.
- Security risks: Decentralized governance systems can be vulnerable to hacking or other security risks, as there is no central authority to protect the system.
Totems Solutions for the Future
- Complexity: With with the inclusion of the Council of Elders, the community can delegate the complexities to trusted advisors who may have better domain knowledge and would make better decisions.
- Lack of Accountability: Accountability is shared. By having three entities, each entity is influenced by one and has influence over the other, this keeps things in balance and ensures uniform alignment.
- Lack of Transparency: Now that accountability can be established, the transparency issue can be enforced through audits agreed to by the relational parties. The community can use the blockchain while the company can use quarterly reports.
- Low Participation: With with the inclusion of the Council of Elders, the community’s time can be respected through planned cyclical events. While The Council can be called upon in times where the items of discussion are too rudimentary to call on the whole community, or the situation requires more expeditious action.
- Lack of Incentives: The Company will Hire from within the community first, Always. The Council will be elected from members of the community for the first cycle, as members of The Company cannot serve on The Council while employed.
- Decision-making Efficiency is a crucial part of effective government. If you cannot get to a decision, you can’t get anything done. (Example Players association)
- Security risks: Ahhh the benefits of the hybrid approach. The Company has The Communities back on this one, they’ll make sure our systems are industry grade so we’re built to last.
Members of The Company cannot serve as members of The Council while employed. This is in part because in order to work for the company you must own a Totem, and in order to be on the council you must own a Totem. Being that you can only be a member of two parties at once and are already a member of the community, you cannot join the other. This is balance.
The Council can only be paid in Totems, this is long term project equity. The equity will come with milestone objectives and be locked in smart contracts, this will align the interests of The Council towards the best interest in the longevity of the project. Due to not receiving pay, all expenses related to business activity will be covered by The Council budget. This is balance.
This is a project of liberation. This project will, by example liberate the minds of millions.
This is balance. This is TOTEMS.
Why Three?
The number three is often considered "the start of the game" because it is the first prime number, and the smallest prime number. Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by only 1 and themselves. They are considered the building blocks of numbers, and their properties and behaviors are used to understand and study other numbers. Numbers are often referred to as the building blocks of the universe so prime numbers are the building blocks of the building blocks.
In many ancient cultures, the number three was also considered to be a sacred number, often associated with concepts such as the Holy Trinity, the three muses, and the three fates, and the three gems.
The number three is often found in many cycles, patterns, and sequences in nature and the universe. Some examples include:
- The three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
- The three primary colors (red, blue, yellow)
- The three dimensions of space (length, width, height)
- The three stages of matter (birth, growth, decay)
- The three stages of the universe (expansion, steady state, contraction)
- The three types of galaxies (elliptical, spiral, irregular)
- The three types of rocks (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary)
- The three types of stars (main sequence, red giant, white dwarf)
- The three basic types of clouds (cirrus, stratus, cumulus)
- The three types of plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, transform)
A triangle is the strongest shape, and Totems is the strongest community, so we emulate our methods off of the geometry of the universe. If it is good enough for the great mother, it is good enough for us.
Triangles are often considered to be the strongest shapes because of their structural integrity. The shape of a triangle distributes weight and stress evenly across its three sides, making it much stronger than other shapes with the same amount of material. This is why triangles are often used in construction, such as the triangular trusses used in bridges and buildings, and in engineering and physics to design structures that can withstand high stresses and loads.
Just like the mighty triangle, the Totem’s Three C System is the new Gold Standard in Governance.
Threshold for quorum starts at 4501