The Tenants of Totems

Encourage interaction:

When we say community is number one, we mean it. The only way we will get anything meaningful done is if we work together. Every Totem has a profile put all the socials you are active on in your profile. Totems follow totems, and we encourage each other publicly. When one of us wins we all win! LFG!

Build trust:

Encourage transparency and honesty among members. Share information about our selves and our organization, its goals, and be open to feedback and suggestions.

Create a sense of belonging:

We seek to develop a shared culture among our members. This could be through shared values, shared experiences, or shared goals. We want to create local meet ups and gatherings run and facilitated by community members.

Make it fun:

Make the community a fun and engaging place to be. Organize online events, contests, or challenges. Give people a reason to celebrate, or smile, or laugh.

Lead by example:

Be an active and engaged member of the community, set an example for others to follow. Show up, Commit. Change for the better and let your light inspire others.

Keep it Real:

Encourage people to share personal stories, experiences, and perspectives. Build relationships and create a sense of personal connection among other members. Be consistent: Regularly engage with the community, post updates, and encourage partnership and camaraderie.