In the Pacific Northwest, the First Nations of North America created incredible monuments called totem poles. These poles were made to honor and remember important aspects of the culture like ancestry, histories, people, and events. There were primarily six types of totem poles: memorial poles, house posts, portal poles, welcoming poles, mortuary poles, and ridicule poles.

The word "totem" refers to a guardian or ancestral being that is revered and respected. The significance of the real or mythological animal carved on a totem pole is its identification with the lineage of the head of the household. The animal on the totem pole is like a family crest, similar to how an Englishman might have a lion on his crest, or a rancher might have a bull on his brand.

There are also elaborately carved tall totem poles that tell an entire family legend in the form of a pictograph. These legends cannot be read in the usual sense of the word; instead, they require an understanding of what the symbols mean to the Native Americans and a knowledge of the history and customs of the people involved to be interpreted.

Each animal or spirit carved on the pole has a special meaning, and when combined in a sequence, they tell an important story or myth. The totem poles are not just beautiful works of art, but they also hold great cultural and spiritual significance.

The meaning of the Spirit Animals


The ruler of the sky, represents great strength, leadership, prestige, divine spirit, and possess a strong connection to the creator


Credited for having tricked the owl and giving fire to man, putting the sun and moon in the sky and the trees on land - Tricky, mischievous and at times a bit greedy


Caller of the rain, controller of lightning, a mysterious mystical bird that represents powerful leadership, known to make lightning and thunder with a blink of an eye or flap of its wings


A Teacher, A Protector, Often Misunderstood. Welcome and friendly, yet strong and mighty with a learned humility.


The wise old builder, creative, artistic and determined. The beaver has a strong sense of family and is the builder of dreams.


The wolf represents loyalty, success, and perseverance. It’s powerful, and heals humans who are sick. A teacher, pathfinder, and survivalist.

Killer whale

Hunter and commander of the sea, community oriented and a protector of the pod. A representation of timeless wisdom, power, and a cleansing spirit.


The otter represents spring and new life, It’s playful, adaptable and a great communicator, Its rich in life, is a great fisherman and brings good luck.


Responsive awareness, Cunning; seeing through deception, discerning. Stealth, and able to navigate tricky situations. Has an affinity with nocturnal activities and dream work.


Fast, intelligent, and powerful. Quick to assist when in need of help. Messenger, observer, and stopper of time.


Gentleness, grace, innocence. Sensitive and intuitive. Vigilant, and able to change directions quickly. Agile and cunning.


Strength, power, and a dominating presence, always prepared, helpful, and confident. Wise with experience and a calming presence.

Why Totem Poles make the perfect subject for an NFT:

Unique Identity: Just like every NFT represents a unique digital asset with its own identity and story, all ancient Totem poles represent a unique identity and story of their own.

Scarcity: Totem poles are often one-of-a-kind or limited edition, exactly like NFTs are designed to be scarce and exclusive.

Value: Totems Poles hold significant value for their owners due to their unique and rare nature, just like NFTs can hold significant value in the digital art and collectibles world. Totems were also typically reserved for the leaders and as they were expensive to create or have commissioned.

Transferability: Totems can be passed down through generations or sold to new owners, just like NFTs can be transferred from one owner to another through the blockchain.

Ownership: Totems are and have always been markers of property ownership. Similarly, NFTs are digital assets that represent ownership of a unique piece of content, such as digital art or music, so it’s a match made in heaven for the purpose of Totems.


Totems, Talisman and Amulets have always been seen as a source of mystical powers